Nothing rushed. Patience. Do not despair. Life is calm, it is loaded with valerianas to maintain the temper and someday, when you open your eyes you will see it.
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Esto no es un "fin", es un "hasta que volvamos a encontrar las ganas"
Cuando una chica está soltera, hay diversas reacciones de las personas que te rodean. Unas están contentas por ti, porque tú decides lo que hacer y con quién estar, otras piensan que debería haber una razón por la que no estás con alguien y así es como empiezan a cuestionar tu condición sexual, y es cuando pienso, ¡Si no te conocen y no saben lo que te puede gustar o no! Y las propias personas que están solteras... ¿Qué piensan? En cierto modo, estar tanto tiempo sola ha hecho que se comprenda que se puede ser autosuficiente, independiente y conocerte de forma personal. Valorar más a las personas que tienes, a cuidarlos ~de forma recíproca~ que sepan que en cualquier circunstancia, momento, situación pueden contar contigo, aun siendo las 04:00 am, esté duchándome o con un gripazo del copón. A veces es necesario estar sola, aprender a vivir ratos de soledad para comprenderte, para reconstruir tus pensamientos y tu cabeza. Hace poco encontré algo emocionante en mi vida, relacio...
You never know how your life is going to turn. You never think when it starts or when it ends. What difficulties you are going to go through in your life and in what way they will be. You never pose fear as something so real that you can not express it with words or thought. Paralyzed, without apparent reaction. Then you break to cry when you least expect it. At appropriate and inappropriate times. In places and with people who should not see it. Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, everything will be fine. At the third, everything comes out? Three times will be. But if I'm sure everything will be fine, why do I have the feeling that everything I do will be the last? Why do I think about saying goodbye and making sure that others are and will be strong? This feeling is horrible, I want to be strong but I fail. I drop like my tears sliding, sliding slowly through me suddenly. Sometimes it is so easy and sometimes so difficult. I just want them t...
There comes a moment that you realize when things are going well and when they go wrong. What is that? When you ask yourself if you are doing the right thing with your life and with yourself. One before and one after. A seen and not seen. But above all, when you stand and understand that something does not work. In one moment of your life you have been blocked. without thinking that this has been the case, which is normal and common for anyone. And no, friend, it's not like that. We get used to thinking that it is so that we do not go back to the difficult path, to be happy again. Happiness and complete personal life. You start to ask yourself what things are those that give you peace, love, satisfaction. And at that moment, in that precious moment, you understand that something is wrong. You do not know how to answer that question, it's been a while since you've lost the answer. But you know that inside you, deep inside, still waiting for you to wake her u...
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